Creating Videos for Learning

In class this week we discussed how useful videos can be for learning – and took part in an editing lab.

Fining videos online (typically YouTube) has been one of my favourite study methods for years. I learn best when things are verbally explained to me (with supplementary visuals if possible) – and this is something I realized fairly early on. This means that I struggle a lot to understand material when I miss classes or even have to get up during a class. When I have to learn just by reading a textbook or other material – my understanding is not near where it can be when I hear it explained and broken down out loud. However, visuals help me solve this!

When I was in high school, I would find videos for everything. Even if I already understood the material, I would often still find videos to help me solidify it. Before nearly every test I would scour YouTube and other sources to find something to help. I watched Khan Academy, Crash Course, the Amoeba Sisters, and lots of other channels. When my Grade 12 English class studied Macbeth, I found a website with videos that restate the events in each scene by having people “interview” the different characters. During the Covid-19 pandemic I thrived in the classes that had videos with the teachers explaining different concepts. I loved being able to pause and rewatch them. Additionally, I still search for videos to help me with my University classes. Most recently, I had a midterm for EdPsych and I went and found YouTube videos that explained the different concepts to me.

Due to this and my experiences teaching different children – I know how helpful videos are for learning. I am very grateful to have had so much access to them – and to have realized how helpful they are for me early on. I know that when I start teaching I will find videos often and recommend this as a possible learning tool.

I really enjoyed having the chance to go onto iMovie and play around with its different features. Although I have used it before, I appreciated the extra practice and I ended up learning about features I wasn’t aware of previously (the greenscreen being a big one).

Going forward I will use this information to help my students learn. I am excited to create my own videos and show the ones I know to be helpful. They are such a valuable tool and I cannot wait to pass this knowledge on.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Chocolate covered strawberries are a delicious (and visually pleasing) treat! Last Saturday I decided to try making them, and they did not disappoint.

I created this recipe card on Canva – which tells you the necessary ingredients. Unsurprisingly – you need chocolate and strawberries. I found these giant strawberries at the store and they were perfect – and I also grabbed 2 bags of chocolate chips (one semi-sweet and one white).

When I got home, I began by washing the strawberries and then patting them dry with a towel. My roommate let me know that this step is very important – to make sure that the chocolate sticks to the strawberries. I then prepared my station by covering a pan with tinfoil. After that, microwaved the semi-sweet chocolate in 30 second increments – stirring each time. Once it was fully melted, I began dunking the strawberries! This was very easy and luckily my strawberries were dry enough that the chocolate stuck very well each time. I dipped about two thirds of the strawberries and then let them sit while I moved on to the white chocolate strawberries.

Here is what they looked like at this point:

I then repeated the same process with the white chocolate – also went very smoothly!

The most tricky part was creating the designs on the tops of the strawberries. I had planned to drizzle semi-sweet chocolate on top of the white chocolate strawberries and then vice versa.

However, when I went to drizzle the semi-sweet chocolate – it fell in globs! I tried to melt the chocolate more, and I tried adding milt – but I could not make it the proper consistency for drizzling. To remedy this – I decided to make hearts on the white chocolate strawberries. This ended up working very well and I am very happy with how they turned out!

I ended up being able to drizzle the white chocolate very well – which was interesting to see!

After this I just left them to dry and then they were all done!

Here is a closer look at the result:

(the strawberry in the bottom left corner shows my attempt to drizzle semi-sweet chocolate)

My Personal Ratings

The Process – 10/10

These were inexpensive, the ingredients were easy to find, and they were so much fun to make! This reminded me of doing a craft – except I ended up with a delicious result. I would absolutely make these again!

The Taste – 10/10

I doubt this rating comes as a surprise. These were absolutely delicious and I would eat them every day if I could! Honestly perfect in every way.

Overall – love love LOVED these. Everything about them was amazing – from the process, to the look, to the taste. I HIGHLY recommend making them.

Making Salmon-Mayo Onigiri

I have loved onigiri since I was 7, when my neighbour gave one to me as an afternoon snack. As we grew older, she would bring it for our other friends and me when we would go to the beach, on hiking trips, and on camping trips. It is the perfect snack/dinner/lunch, because it is tasty, satisfying, and easy to transport. A few months ago, an onigiri shop opened up near my parents house and my close friend and I have visited many times!

A few weeks ago, my roommate suggested that we try making it ourselves – and I was immediately on board!

The ingredients were easy to find – just rice, salmon, seaweed sheets, kewpie mayo, and furikake seasoning.

We started by cooking our rice in our rice cooker and our salmon in our air fryer – and then mashed the salmon with kewpie mayo and got to sculpting!

The process took a bit of practice, however thankfully my roommate knew the important strategies (wet your hands and cover them with salt to add flavour and keep the rice from sticking to you).

My first attempts were a little bit funky:

*the burrito is interesting looking, but it made for a delicious mid-cooking snack*

While not everything went according to plan (we ended up with a copious amount of leftover salmon), we had so much fun making them! It took about 2 hours, but the time flew by. After we got a hang of things, we were able to make a whole bunch to keep in the fridge and grab on the go!

My Personal Ratings:

The Flavour – 10/10

These were absolutely perfect. I LOVE onigiri and these lived up to my expectations. I am thinking about grabbing one from the fridge as I write this. I would honestly change nothing if I were to make them again!

The Process – 9/10

Now, this did take a decent amount of time (roughly 2 hours). However, no part of it was particularly difficult. Despite the learning curve – even the funky looking ones (like the burrito) were delicious, which is the end goal. It definitely also helped that I made them with my friend – because it made the time fly by! The ingredients were not too expensive, and they were easy to find. I would absolutely make these again – and recommend them to literally everyone (especially as a fun activity to do with friends!).

Making a Bean & Corn Burrito Bowl

Link to the recipe I referenced:

This meal is one that I have been craving since I arrived back in Victoria following winter break. My mom makes something similar – and has told me that it is very simple to make. I am also a frequent customer at Chipotle (too frequent, honestly), and I have been wanting to try to make something like it at home for a while now – and this is where is meal came in.

If you were to click on the link and view the recipe I used, you would see that I did not follow it to a tee. For one, I did not make burritos (more on this later). Additionally, while I used most of the ingredients that they did, I did remove bell pepper – just because of personal preference. However, I did my best to follow their steps and most of the ingredients were there.

Now, the process of completing this recipe was honestly very simple. As I have stated previously, I am not much of a chef. However, this only took me a total of 45 minutes and I didn’t run into any challenges…until I tried to turn my bean-corn concoction into burritos. The tortillas that I had purchased were very small, and I was unfortunately unable to successfully build a burrito. However – I ended up creating burrito bowls and the following day I placed a tortilla under the stuffing (at the bottom of the bowl) which was delicious!

Here is the first bowl I made (without the tortilla). I added rice, cheese, avocado, and sour cream to my mixture:

My Personal Ratings:

The Taste – 8.5/10

This was absolutely delicious! I made enough to give me a week of leftovers and I truly never became tired of it. While I will tweak it slightly the next time I make it (more lemon juice, maybe make salsa as well?), I found this to be incredible. It was a lovely change for the usual 3 meals I make (I’m barely exaggerating), and I will definitely make it again soon!

The Process – 9/10

This was very quick and very easy! I can definitely see myself frequently, because not only did it take me very little time – but it also gave tons of leftovers. Additionally, none of the ingredients were expensive or hard to find, and the wiggle-room in the measurements meant that I didn’t have to waste anything. While I struggled with the burrito wrapping aspect – I enjoyed it as a bowl just as much as I would have as a burrito.

Overall – I loved this and I would highly recommend to anyone who was short on time but was looking for a delicious and satisfying meal.

Using Technology to Support Visual Learning

In class this week we talked about the importance of representing information visually – as well as various tools we can use to make this possible.

While listening to this presentation, it became even more clear to me how helpful visuals are when presenting information. We looked at an explanation of how a bicycle pump works – first without an image and then with one. The explanation without the image honestly made no sense to me – and the simple additional of the image was able to make the explanation click. This is such an important reminder that including visuals in lessons makes a huge difference. Additionally, without the image, I found it considerably more difficult to focus on what was being said. By adding visuals to our lessons (and putting in the time so that they are actually helpful), we can make our lessons more engaging and increase the collective understanding of what we would like to get across.

We also looked at several tools for creating visuals. I am accustomed to Canva – I use it for every project that involves graphics. We looked deeper into Powerpoint and how we can use it to create visuals (and learned that we will likely be able to ask our students to do this too!). This was helpful to learn – especially considering that many of us (including me) will likely be using Powerpoint to create lessons. It was very helpful to learn about how to use it even more effectively.

Going forward, I will put even more effort into creating visuals when teaching. I truly understand that they make all the difference. I am also excited to be able to use Powerpoint as a tool for this!

Note: I created the banner on my website during this class – using Powerpoint!

Diving into New Recipes! – My Inquiry Project

Photo taken by Danial Reche (Pexels)

My Inquiry Question is: How can I try 10 new affordable recipes that I can integrate into my weekly schedules?

Cooking is not something that I particularly enjoy – primarily because I often feel like it takes time out of my day that I could spend doing other things. For this reason, I often find myself cooking the same foods, repeatedly. I rarely venture out and try new things – because I do not want to take the time to look for them. I also tend to order takeout more than I probably should. While this routine is not a big issue in my life, and I do like the foods I cook, I would like to expand my recipe repertoire. I would like to bring more variety into my weekly meals, and I think that this inquiry project will be a good push.

I would like to find 10 different recipes and give each of them a try. I will document how I find the process of grocery shopping for each meal, cooking the meals (including mistakes I make so that I will remember them in the future), and then rate my flavour opinions of each dish. I will also include a link to each recipe. Then, the recipes and my opinions will be saved and I will be able to go back and make them in the future. I am hoping that by doing this I will establish a routine of trying new meals – and maybe I will begin to enjoy cooking more by the end.

Guest Speaker – Jesse Miller

Jesse’s website:

This week our class had Jesse Miller come in as a guest speaker. Jesse does presentations in schools all over BC about digital citizenship (he came to my elementary school when I was in grade 6!). He talked to us about technology and how quickly it is advancing. As he pointed out – most people were and continue to be unprepared for these growing changes. He described things I wasn’t aware of – such as the programming of self-driving cars being the subtle byproduct of internet security checks. Additionally, Jesse told us that it is our job to teach children to use media responsibly – with the 4Cs of Digital Literacy. These 4Cs are: critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration.

This presentation was very informative and interesting to listen to. It is incredibly important for us as future educators to learn as much as we can about new technology – because it is such a prominent aspect of our and our future student’s lives. These new advancements, AI being a big one, are not going to go away. No matter how comfortable of uncomfortable we are with this – we still need to help prepare our students to go out into the world and use the internet in a responsible and beneficial way. Jesse’s lecture was informative – and a good reminder that there is so much to learn about the internet and technology.

During L2P last semester, my partner and I had the privilege of teaching a grade 8 class a lesson about ChatGPT and spotting AI. Without realizing it at the time, we did succeed in working in the 4Cs. We encouraged critical thinking by showing different ‘tweets’ and helping the students evaluate whether or not they were written by AI – and brought in a collaboration aspect by having them work together to help them assess. Additionally, creativity was harnessed through a worksheet we gave them where we prompted them to create different questions to ask ChatGPT. This also brought in communication because we then asked them to refine their questions and see how they could make their conversations with AI more effective.

Going forward, I would like to continue doing activities like this when I go into classrooms. I will refer back to the 4Cs – because I think that when they are combined the lesses reach peek productivity.

“Most Likely to Succeed” (2015) – Weekly Reflection #1

Trailer – “Most Likely to Succeed” (2015)


Last week we were asked to watch “Most Likely to Succeed” (2015) – a documentary that highlights an inquiry based high school (“High Tech High”). This school is located in the United States and, unlike traditional American high schools, encourages students to take control of their own learning with guidance from teachers. They place emphasis on stepping away from standardized testing, and instead allow their students to harness their passions and work creatively and collaboratively. The documentary showcases an end of term exhibition that this school had where the students presented their passion projects, and the processes of creating them, to their families and peers.

Additionally, this documentary displayed the effects of standardized testing, most notably the SAT, on students and parents. The Untied States centres their education system around standardized testing – and these tests are what allow students to get accepted into top colleges. Due to this system, students and their families place the importance of these tests above their own learning.
The documentary shows that when asked whether they would rather learn important skills and harness their creativity and passions or get a good grade on a test – high school students choose the latter.

This documentary also highlights a conversation between a mother and a teacher at High Tech High where the mother states that although she loves the way this school runs she worries that it will not prepare her child to take the SAT and transition into a college. This system of standardized testing and the inflated importance of test scores is concerning – and the documentary questions whether or not it is properly preparing students to move into a world with growing technology that can take tests better than any human.

My Personal Thoughts:

This documentary made important critiques of our current school system. As I watched it, I found myself becoming frustrated with the way that schools place so much importance on tests. I think that the way this school encourages students to follow their passions is amazing – but I do not believe that it is properly preparing them for the system that they are in. The students who would choose getting a good grade on a test over furthering their own learning and passions make complete sense to me, and I was surprised to see that their teacher didn’t understand their answer. From an early age children are ingrained with the belief that grades are what matters – rather than learning for the sake of learning. It is so frustrating because I find it hard to believe that anyone involved in furthering this system would honestly agree that this is how it should be – yet this is the system that we are in. Although standardized testing isn’t as big in Canada, the same philosophy of ‘get good grades, go to a good college, have a good life’ still stands. When I was in high school good grades were what I cared about and I believe that this led me to miss out on things that I could have learned – but instead just memorized.

However, while I do not believe that this type of school works in our current society, I still believe that we can take ideas from it and bring them into schools. When I was in grade 7 I did a year long passion project – and it gave me the chance to learn about something I cared about alongside all of the memorizing and tests. I am glad to have watched this documentary because it has inspired me to incorporate passion projects into my own classroom one day. Giving students a venue to be creative and work together is extremely important and inquiry projects are a good way to do this. I am inspired and motivated to learn more about facilitating inquiry projects in elementary classrooms.

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